ucs.library {UCS}R Documentation

Load UCS/R Modules


Since the UCS/R functions are imported into the global namespace, they are collected in various modules that can be loaded separately on demand. ucs.library loads a specified module. When called without arguments, it prints a listing of available modules.


ucs.library(name, all=FALSE, reload=FALSE)


name a character string giving the name of a single UCS/R module to be loaded. If omitted, a list of all available modules is displayed (see below).
all if TRUE, all available modules are loaded
reload if TRUE, force module to be loaded even if it has already been imported (useful when developing UCS/R modules)


Like the library and package functions, ucs.library(module) checks whether the requested module has already been loaded by a previous ucs.library call. Set reload=TRUE in order to skip this test and force re-loading a module (especially while developing or debugging module code).


Calling the ucs.library function without arguments returns a list of all available UCS/R modules as an object of class "UCSLibList", which prints as a nicely formatted listing including one-line descriptions. Use names(ucs.library()) to obtain a plain vector of module names.

See Also

UCS for an overview of the UCS/R modules


print(ucs.library())  # list of available modules

ucs.library("base")   # load and manage UCS data sets
ucs.library("plots")  # evaluation graphs

ucs.library(all=TRUE) # load all modules

[Package UCS version 0.5 Index]