Igamma {UCS}R Documentation

The Incomplete Gamma Function (sfunc)


Computes the incomplete Gamma function and its inverse. Both the lower and the upper incomplete Gamma function are supported, and the Gamma value can be scaled to a base 10 logarithm.


Igamma(a, x, lower=TRUE, log=FALSE)

Igamma.inv(a, y, lower=TRUE, log=FALSE)


a a non-negative numeric vector, the parameter of the incomplete Gamma function
x a non-negative numeric vector, the point at which the incomplete Gamma function is evaluated
y a numeric vector, the values of the incomplete Gamma function (or their base 10 logarithms if log=TRUE)
lower if TRUE, computes the lower incomplete Gamma function (default). Otherwise, computes the upper incomplete Gamma function.
log if TRUE, the Gamma values are base 10 logarithms (default: FALSE)


The upper incomplete Gamma function is defined by the Gamma integral

Gamma(a,x) = integral_x^Inf t^(a-1) exp(-t) dt

The lower incomplete Gamma function is defined by the complementary Gamma integral

gamma(a,x) = integral_0^x t^(a-1) exp(-t) dt


Igamma returns the (lower or upper) incomplete Gamma function with parameter a evaluated at point x.

Igamma.inv returns the point x at which the (lower or upper) incomplete Gamma function with parameter a evaluates to y.

See Also

Cgamma, Rgamma, Cbeta, Ibeta, Rbeta

[Package UCS version 0.5 Index]