

ucs-list-am - List built-in association measures and add-on packages


  ucs-list-am [-v | -c | -t | -f <f,f1,f2,N>] 
              [-x <package> | -p <package>] [<am1> <am2> ...]

  ucs-list-am --list


This program is a convenient front-end to the registry of association measures maintained by the UCS module. It can be used to print a list of built-in association measures, add-on packages, and display additional information about the measures (where available). Detailed information about the measures can be found in the UCS::AM manpage and the respective manpages of the extension packages. See the ucsam manpage for an introduction and overview.

  ucs-list-am --list 

With the --list (or -l) option, ucs-list-am lists all available add-on packages.

  ucs-list-am [<options>] [<am1>, <am2>, ...]

When ucs-am-list is called without arguments, it prints the names of all built-in association measures on stdout, each one followed by a short one-line description of the measure. Specific association measures can be selected by giving their names as command-line arguments. UCS wildcard patterns (see the ucsexp manpage) will list all matching measures.

The --extra (or -x) option can be used to load one or more add-on packages so that the association measures from these packages will be included in the listing (in addition to the built-in measures). Its argument is a comma-separated list of package names, which are case-insensitive and may be abbreviated to unique prefixes. For instance, both --extra=HTest,Parameteric an -x htest,param will load the UCS::AM::HTest and UCS::AM::Parametric packages. The special keyword ALL loads all available AM packages.

The --package (or -p) option is used to list the association measures from a single package (without the built-in measures). Again, the package name is case-insensitive and may be abbreviated to a unique prefix. Note that the --package option cannot be used to load multiple packages.

The amount of information provided can be controlled with the --verbose (or -v), --code (or -c), and --terse (or -t) options. In --terse mode, only the names of packages are printed, so that the output can be easily processed by other programs. In --verbose mode, the name of each association measure is immediately followed by a one-line description (in parentheses). When available, one or more lines of additional comments will also be shown. In --code mode, the output consists of the name of each measure, followed by its implementation (as a UCS expression), followed by a blank line. For parameteric measures, a list of parameters and their default values is shown on a separate line between the name and the implementation.

Alternatively, a frequency signature can be specified as an argument to the --frequencies (or -f) option. The expected format is a comma-separated list of four integers, representing the variables f, f1, f2 and N. In this case, association scores for all selected measures are computed on the specified frequency signature. Note that it is not possible to compute scores for different frequency signatures with a single invocation of the ucs-list-am tool.


Copyright 2004 Stefan Evert.

This software is provided AS IS and the author makes no warranty as to its use and performance. You may use the software, redistribute and modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
